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End-User Audio Conference Bridge FAQ


Below is general information about Teams Audio Conferencing. Included is defining information and frequently asked questions and answers. 

Audio Conference Bridge User Information:

A conferencing bridge can contain one or more phone numbers. These phone numbers are used when callers dial in to a meeting. The phone number is included at the bottom of the Teams meeting invite.

The conferencing bridge answers a call and prompts the caller with voice prompts using a meeting auto attendant, and then, depending on your settings, it can play notifications, ask callers to record their name, and control the PIN settings. PINs are given to meeting organizers to allow them to start a meeting when they are aren't using a Microsoft Teams app.

A conferencing bridge gives you a set of dial-in phone numbers for your organization. All of them can be used to join the meetings that a meeting organizer has created, but you can select which ones will be included on their meeting invites.

In addition to the phone numbers included in the meeting invite for a meeting organizer, there is also a link located at the bottom of each meeting invite that opens the full list of all dial-in phone numbers that can be used to join a meeting.

Below are a list of questions and answers pulled from Microsofts FAQ list for Audio Conferencing. To access the entire document, please go to: Audio Conferencing common questions - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Learn

How does a user access or change their conference ID?

Teams users can find the conference ID assigned to them by scheduling a meeting in Outlook and Outlook on the web. Also, users can find the conference ID in the email that will be sent to them after they are set up.

-         Note: Users won't be able to reset their conference ID. The conference ID can only be reset by you, the admin, for the organization.


How do users access or change their PIN?

Teams users can find the PIN in an email that will be sent to them once they are set up.

-         Note: Teams users can change their pin. There is a link at the bottom of the meeting invite to reset their pin.

What in-meeting dial-pad commands are supported?

For meeting participants and organizers:

Command Name

Command Keys


Command menu


Press *1 to play the descriptions of dial-pad commands

Raise/lower hand


Press *5 to raise or lower hand.



Press *6 to mute or unmute themselves.

For meeting organizers only:

Command Name

Command Keys


Admit all


Press *21 to admit all participants waiting in the lobby.

Mute all


Press *22 to mute all participants (except the organizer).

Toggle Enter/Exit Announcement


Press *23 to enable or disable Enter/Exit Announcement.

Hear participant count in lobby


Press *24 to hear the participant count waiting in the lobby.

Can attendees dial out to international phone numbers when they are in a Teams meeting?

Yes, attendees can dial out internationally and invite other callers into a Teams meeting. See Dialing out from a Microsoft Teams meeting so other people can join it.

How does a Teams user schedule a meeting with Audio Conferencing meeting details?

When a user is assigned an Audio Conferencing license and the user creates a new Teams meeting in Outlook or Outlook on the web, the dial-in phone numbers and conferencing IDs are added automatically to the meeting invite.

How does a user schedule and start a meeting when all attendees will be using a phone to dial in?

Scheduling a meeting that will be joined by all attendees using a phone to dial in is not different from scheduling a regular online meeting. However, there are two ways to start a meeting on which all of the participants use a phone to dial in:

  •      Option #1: By default, if the meeting organizer and all participants are joining a meeting using a phone, the meeting organizer needs to input their Audio Conferencing PIN to start it. Callers get asked if they want to authenticate as the organizer of a given meeting when they dial the phone number of an online meeting. All participants that join the meeting via dial-in before the organizer starts will be placed in the lobby and will listen to music on hold. For Teams meetings, the participants will join the meeting according to the value of who can bypass the lobby setting in the organizer's meeting policy.
  •     Option #2: The “Allow unauthenticated callers to be the first people in a meeting“ setting is disabled by default. If the setting is enabled for a given organizer, then all meetings scheduled by that organizer can be started before the organizer inputs the Audio Conferencing PIN. When this setting is enabled, the meeting will start as soon as the first participant joins it via a dial-in phone number, and the first participant won't be put in the lobby.



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