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CallTower Solutions Center

MS Teams Analytics - Home Overview

1. Live Status

  • Shows the presence of users


2. Total

  • Calls: Total number of incoming and outgoing phone calls (excluding any meeting/calls within Teams).
  • Answered: Total number of calls answered (incoming and internal).
  • Missed: Total number of calls missed (incoming and internal).
  • Dialed: Total number of calls dialed (internal and outgoing)


3. Call Performance

  • Total Talk Time: Total duration of time in calls.
  • Av Talk Time: Average time in phone calls. Calculated as the sum of talk times over the number of calls. 
  • Av Calls per Hour: Average number of calls in a one-hour period. Calculated as the number of calls over the number of hours. 
  • Busiest hour: The hour with the most number of calls. 
  • Time of First Call: The time the first call was received 
  • Time of Last Call: The time the last call was received 


4. Incoming Performance

  • Percentage Missed: Percentage of calls missed. Calculated as the number of missed calls over the number of calls. 
  • Percentage answered in target: The number of calls answered in target over the number of calls answered. 
  • Grade of service (%): The number of calls answered in target over the number of calls offered. 
  • Av. Wait Time: The average time for a call to be answered. Calculated as the sum of wait times over the number of calls. 
  • Longest Wait Time: The longest time for an incoming call to be answered or missed. 
  • Av. Talk Time: The average time for a call to be answered. Calcuated as the sum of wait times over the number of calls. 
  • Total Talk Time: The total duration of time in calls. 


5. Missed Call Analysis

  • Unique Callers: Number of unique callers. Caller IDs are only counted once. 
  • Unreturned: 
    • Awaiting Callback: Number of missed calls that are waiting to be returned 
    • No Caller ID: Number of missed calls that do not have an associated Caller ID, and therefore cannot be returned. 
  • Returned: 
    • By Agent: Number of missed calls returned by the agent 
    • By Caller: number of missed calls returned by the caller.
  • Percentage Returned in Target: The number of calls returned in target over the number of returned missed calls. 
  • Av. Abandoned Time: The average time before a caller abandons a call. Calculated as the sum of abandoned times over the number of abandoned calls. 
  • Longest Abandoned Time: The longest time for an incoming call to be missed.
  • Caller Tolerance: The time it takes for the highest number of callers to abandon a call. 


6. Total: Dialled

Total calls dialed between the times indicated. 


7. Total Dialled details


Full Home Page Overview Picture


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