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CallTower Solutions Center

CallTower Information - How E.911 Works

How E.911 works with Calltower products

General Information 

  • E.911 address information is set at the location level. When a user is assigned to a location it's going to use that address when the user dials 911. (read Cisco for additional info)
  • Numbers can be enabled/disabled for 911 at the DID level under location or if you have access there is a bulk option to enable/disable 911. (appropriate access is required)



  • A user with 1 device under a location works just like the others. 911 will be based on the DID location of the user.
  • When a 2nd device gets added to a user at a different location the 911 DID that was selected when adding the phone is where the 911 call will route.
    • Example: User has a phone at his office and home. There are  2 locations in Connect that are office/home. When the home phone was built, it was built under the home location so when that user dials 911 it will route to his home address. If the user dials 911 using their office phone it will route to the office location.
  • If you move a user from location A to location B all phones under that location will move as well.
  • If you need to move a phones location you have to remove the phone from the user, then when it has the available status you can modify the location.
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