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CallTower Solutions Center

Billing - Related Services

Related services are products or services from the same product catalog from which you’ve been quoted, and are closely associated to the services you’ve implemented. You may occasionally receive these charges if you implement a change to your account outside of the anticipated configuration shown on your Service Order/Quote. The most common Related Services are described below.

Why does my invoice have UC Virtual User charges?

The UC Virtual User is a Related Service. This product is a UC User w/Voicemail without a physical phone assigned to the user. CallTower:Connect automatically converts a UC User w/Voicemail to a UC Virtual User w/Voicemail when a user’s phone is removed.

Why does my invoice have Common Area / Basic Telephony charges?

The Common Area or Basic Telephony User is also sometimes called a non-user phone and is a Related Service. These non-user phones are typically implemented for a break room or lobby area and don’t include a voicemail box, only the ability to make or receive calls.

Why does my invoice have Additional Cisco UC License charges?

The Additional Cisco UC License charge is a Related Service. This charge appears when a second device is assigned to a user (such as a second phone for a user’s home office).

Why does my invoice have DID charges?

This is a Related Service. Each DID on your account is a billable item—those DIDs which are not associated to a service charge which bundles in a DID are billed individually.

Why do I have shipping charges?

CallTower passes on the incurred shipping charges to deploy or recover equipment. This charge does not apply for an RMA situation in which CallTower has determined that the CallTower provided equipment is faulty.

What’s a Support Provisioning Fee?

CallTower has invested heavily in our tool, CallTower Connect, which allows you to personalize your services according to your business needs by making changes to users, features, phones, numbers and many other services. Should you choose not to use Connect, CallTower’s Support Center is able to perform the required provisioning tasks and a Support Provisioning Fee is applied to the billing account.

What’s a Network Service Fee?

CallTower has invested heavily to provide an exceptional circuit management service for you and your business. Our 24x7 Support Center monitors your circuit(s) for service disruptions and proactively raises and aggressively manages carrier ticket(s) should you experience a carrier outage. CallTower also monitors your circuit utilization 24x7x365, and notifies customers of circuit utilization that averages more than 70% during the week. These customers also receive a report of the maximum utilization during the week. Our services of proactive monitoring, carrier ticket management and notification provides assurance of maximum up-time for your circuit(s) and communications. The Network Service Fee is a monthly recurring charge, with one charge per CallTower provided circuit.

How do I validate my calling charges?

Total calling charges, including minute bundle application, are reflected on the Corporate Invoice. Details (dates, times, duration, etc.) of the total calls captured on the invoice can be found in our online portal Ebill.

How are credits calculated?

Goodwill credits are governed by and calculated according to CallTower’s Service Level Agreement (SLA) found at All other billing credits are calculated based on the charges presented on the disputed invoice. All disputed charges must be brought to CallTower’s attention within 180 days of the statement date listed on the disputed invoice.

How are credits applied?

Credits are applied to the next invoice immediately following the investigation and resolution of an issue; the credit balance is applied against the new recurring charges presented on that invoice.


If you have any other questions or need assistance with your invoice, please feel free to email or call 415-869-8999.