Billing- Migration FAQ
Important News Regarding Your Account:
Changes Coming Soon
What is the change that's coming?
Beginning May 1, 2023, legacy OneStream Network accounts will transition from the legacy OneStream Network’s billing platform into CallTower’s billing platform, with the result being that all customers will bill from a unified billing platform.
Why is this change happening?
CallTower acquired OneStream Networks in March, 2022 (news release found here: CallTower has determined that billing out of a single platform will provide the best customer experience to our customers.
Will my services be impacted?
This migration does not impact your functional services. The actions taken will merely transition your charges for service from one billing platform to another.
Will my pricing change?
There will be no change to your existing pricing or surcharges. Only the platform in which the charges are housed is changing.
Will my contract expiration date change?
The migration has no impact on your contract termination date. All current contracts will continue as before.
Will my bill date change?
Yes, there will be a slight change to your first invoice. If you previously billed on the 2nd of the month you will begin to bill on the 1st; if you billed on the 16th you will begin to bill on the 15th of the month.
Will my invoice due date change?
As a result of a slight modification to the date range for service charges, your due date will be advanced by 1 day. Eg. If your typical due date is the 2nd of the month, going forward the new due date will be the 1st of the month. Your selected net-terms have been transitioned to the new billing platform.
Will the invoice presentation change?
There will be a new invoice presentation including a new logo showing only CallTower. The same data will be presented but may be in slightly different locations. Please see the knowledge base article at the following link for more information and visual review of the invoice.
Will my invoice delivery method change?
The migration will not impact how your invoice is currently delivered. Please note that if you receive your invoices electronically they will begin to come from beginning 5/1/2023. For the best experience please ensure this email address has been whitelisted in your email systems.
How do I get assistance with billing requests or questions?
For the best experience please submit requests via email to Please see the contact information provided in the knowledge base article found at the following link for more specific detail.
Where do I send my payment?
The migration does not impact your payment; please continue to provide your payment in the current method to the current destination. You may also make payments, set up autopay and manage payment accounts in the new billing portal, BillCenter (
Will I need to re-enroll in autopayment?
If you are currently on autopayment the configuration will be migrated to the new platform. If you wish to set up or alter your autopayment please reach out to for assistance. Autopay can also be managed via BillCenter, CallTower’s billing portal.
How do I access the new billing portal, BillCenter?
Please contact to request a onetime registration code to the platform if you have not received an email containing one by 5/10/2023. Specific details can be found at the following link.
Will I be trained on the new portal and provided with training materials?
Specific information regarding the portal can be found in the following knowledge base articles. Additional assistance may be requested by email to
Will I still have access to the old billing portal?
Access to the legacy billing portal will end on 4/30/2023. After that time your access will no longer function.
Will I still have access to historical invoices?
Historic invoices will be available in the legacy billing portal until 4/30/2023. After that date your access to the legacy platform will no longer function. As part of the billing platform migration CallTower has brought over the preceding 12 months' worth of records.