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CallTower Solutions Center

Clarity Connect Admin - Calendars


This article should allow you to confidently edit and create Calendars 


Click here to be direct to Clarity Connect's documentation on calendars as well as view the video below on the subject. 

Calendars live in the admin portal under routing. From here you can create a new calendar, force close calendars. You can also duplicate a calendar, see the details which will show you business hours and hide the calendar. 


When changing hours here it will override the default set hours in the calendar.


When you edit you can change the default hours as well as add holidays

Creating a new calendar:

Here you can name your calendar, set time zone, and if it applies to only a specific business unit. After you set your hours and holidays, click save and the calendar will be completed.



A lot of times we see call flows going to after hours. When checking the calendar there is either a holiday set or an override set.

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