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CallTower Solutions Center

Connect Admin - View and Change Your CPNI Code

Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI) protections  

CallTower has a duty, under federal law, to protect the confidentiality of certain types of services, including: (1) information about the quantity, technical configuration, type, destination, location, and amount of your use of services, and (2) information contained on your telephone bill concerning your services you receive when matched to your name, address, and telephone number (“Customer Proprietary Network Information,” or “CPNI” ). Examples of CPNI include information typically available from telephone-related details on your monthly bill, technical information, type of service, current telephone charges, long distance, and local service billing records, directory assistance charges, usage data and calling patterns.

CPNI does not include things like customer name, address, or telephone number; aggregate information or data that is not specific to a single customer; customer premises equipment; and Internet access services.

CallTower may not use this CPNI to market products and services to you other than for services you currently purchase if you don’t approve.

Your CPNI passcode will be auto generated but you are able to generate a new passcode at any time. Below is where you can find your CPNI passcode in the CallTower Connect Admin Portal. 


How to view and change your CPNI Code 

  1. Log into the Connect Admin Portal
  2. In CallTower Connect Admin portal, go to "Menu," "Administration," "Corporate Administration," "Settings" and then "Customer Settings


3. You can view your CPNI code (1.) or change it by selecting the pencil icon (2.) and then the Save icon (3.)

Note: When selecting the pencil icon, the CPNI code is immediately generated. Making a change to the CPNI code  will notify all MPOCs (Main Point of Contact) on the account by email.



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